UPDATE 29 JAN 2021 5:13pm GMT: Graslu00 answers some FAQ regarding this material.
Popular gamer Graslu00 will show complete footage of the cancelled XBLA version of Nintendo 64's GOLDENEYE 007 game later today. While in the past years we were able to enjoy thirty minutes of material, this time Graslu00 will offer us the chance to see the whole game from the initial Dam mission to Egyptian, a bonus level that closes the adventure, in 4K and 60fps.
Through his Twitter account, Graslu00 answered some FAQ concerning this footage.
Is this related to the 4chan leak earlier last month?
-No, not at all. That file is a dead weight that cannot be cracked. We've known of people with these builds for years before now from parternet/pnet. It was just a matter of time.
How did you get hold of this?
-I can't say. Patience is key.
Is this releasing soon/some day?
-The release of this is not on me, I'm just able to record footage.
Does this mean it's being hoarded?
-No. Patience is key.
How do you feel about Nintendo cancelling this remake?
-Nintendo did not cancel this, they're not the owners of the license. If you want GE back, ask the IP holders, not gaming companies.
The popularity of Rare's first and only James Bond game, released in 1997 and based on Pierce Brosnan's James Bond debut film of the same name, was so overwhelming that people still name it "the best first-person shooter of all time". A high definition version was developed for XBLA in 2007, but was ultimately cancelled for disagreements regarding the use of the Bond intellectual property controlled by Danjaq. Since then, a few screenshots and videos made it into the net, but the game was never shown in full.
Needless to say, this is a historic day for GOLDENEYE fans and 90s kids.