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Video 8 appeared on the market in 1985 in Japan by Sony. The small 8mm videotapes featured the movies in 4:3 Fullscreen format and AFM (Audio Frequency Modulation) audio. Despite this format and some Bond films made it in this format in the rest of the world, GOLDENEYE was only released in Japan with the rest of the James Bond films except OCTOPUSSY and LICENCE TO KILL.
UMD (Universal Media Disc) was a format playable on Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) consoles. Video material was encoded in the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec, providing very good image quality for a small screen, and with the movies provided 16:9 Widescreen format. By the time the format was discontinued in 2014, GOLDENEYE had been released in UMD with other seven movies THE SPY WHO LOVED ME, OCTOPUSSY, TOMORROW NEVER DIES, THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, DIE ANOTHER DAY, CASINO ROYALE and QUANTUM OF SOLACE. It is still unknown if there were more Bond releases in this format.
Often confused with the video codec of the same name, DIVX was another home video format in which GOLDENEYE had been released. DIVXs discs contained a movie which was played in a special DIVX player communicated to a control center via the user's landline telephone. After a number of playbacks, the disc became useless unless you paid a fee to "purchase" the movie to keep playing it on the DIVX player or to convert the movie into a DVD disc.
Video CD
In the Far East territories like Singapore, GOLDENEYE was released on Video CD, the direct predecessor of DVD which allowed to play a movie contained in a disc in both a PC and a VCD or DVD player. In this format, there was only one audio channel and/or burnt subtitles, unlike the DVD and Laserdisc versatility that allowed the user to change the language of the featured film.

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